
SynonymsSalomon, Shelomo, Salomone, Salamon, Salman, Salamun
DiminutiveSol, Solly

The name Solomon is a biblical name. It comes from the Hebrew name Shelomo, which appeared from “shalom”, meaning “peace” (“not war”). Also the name is interpreted in a broader sense – “solid”, “whole”.

There are different options of this name are used in Europe: Zalomo, Salomon, Salomone, Salamu, Salamo, Shalamon, Salamon, Shalomoun, Saloumon, Salav, Salaun and Salamun. Jews use the forms of Zalman and Zelman. The Muslim analogue is Suleiman.

There are female paired names Salome, Salma, Solomonia, Salima and Selma, which also have variations in pronunciation and spelling and are often analogous to each other.

The owner of the name Solomon is an energetic, active and enterprising person who seems somewhat reserved to many. Indeed, he does not like to indulge the first comer, and can treat with some suspicion to unfamiliar people. But after getting to know the other person better, he always shows himself to be a frank, direct and sincere man.

The feelings of this man are strong. Solomon dislikes superficial relationships and has a sense of duty. Freedom is dear to him. Independent, resistant to external constraints he is able to challenge himself and take risks. However he needs security and stability. Sometimes Solomon is torn between the desire for possession, which forces him to keep his achievements, and the tendency to victory, for which he strives and ready to make sacrifices.

The owner of this name has the ability to adapt, which allows him to start any business without much suffering. At work he is energetic; he needs action to use excess energy. He has a high degree of mobility and adaptability, which he uses either for sports, or on numerous trips, or in great capacity for work. Solomon is a man of action; he is about volition and authority.

Even as a child he is ambitious and will do his best to be the first. Bright, curious and excitable he can’t be kept in place. Always strives to be reasonable, well develops the ability to work in a team, where he often knows how to use the talents and strengths of others, rather than show his qualities.Solomon needs to be the center of attention. He is ready to make a lot of efforts for that. Not sentimental in public he doesn't lack a certain charm. In his family he will always strive for harmony, however he is unlikely to agree that his leading position is being discussed.

Solomon needs to find a profession that will motivate him, so he is more attracted to sales, advertising, marketing, the field of medicine, as well as mobile professions in some way related to travel. Creative professions, administrative and managerial work will also suit the owner of the name Solomon.

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