
SynonymsScarlet, Scarlette, Skarlett

The name Scarlett came from an English surname indicating a professional affiliation. The owner of this surname traded in luxurious fine woolen fabric of bright red, scarlet color. The name of the fabric – scarlet – comes from the Persian word for textiles dyed with kermes (saqerlât). Such fabric was produced in medieval Europe, and it was only affordable to very rich people.

The name Scarlett is directly related to the scarlet color, so the meaning of the name is close to the associations associated with this color. The scarlet color is traditionally associated with flame, luck, courage, love, strength, joy and warmth.

The name Scarlett first appeared as the name of the main character of Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone with the Wind (1936), whose name was Scarlett O'Hara. Despite the film adaptation of the novel in 1939, the name did not spread. Only after the star of the American actress Scarlett Johansson rose the name was noticed and began to be given to children.

But the main peak in the popularity of the name falls at the beginning of the 21st century: from about the eight hundredth position in 2002 to the 14th line of the rating of US women's names in 2022. Just a huge jump in the popularity of the name Scarlett in such a short time! In the last ten years, the name has been among the top 100 names for girls in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK.

The owner of the name Scarlett is a strong personality, secretive and balanced nature. He is wary of everything, especially emotions. Scarlett diligently avoids any troubles, but prefers to solve the problems that arise alone. This girl is very purposeful and focused, she knows how to make a quick decision, a skeptic and an analyst – in one person.

There is no more indefatigable employee at work than Scarlett. But she prefers to work only for herself. She is hardworking, has willpower, she clearly understands responsibility for her actions or inaction.

As a child, Scarlett does not like to play collective games, preferring to play on her own. She is a somewhat shy girl who tends to suppress her feelings and emotions. She prefers to be made the first step towards her, so parents should develop her sociability by involving her in various group activities. Scarlett is a loyal and reliable friend, a good mother, aware of her duties and responsibilities to the family.

Her acting talent allows her to transform into the role that she considers necessary to achieve her goal. However in real life she prefers to be the one she really is.

Creativity, business are Scarlett's favorite areas of activity, because there are opportunities for interesting and dynamic work, but routine, office professions are not her choice. Scarlett can become an actress, designer, director or journalist. She regards sports more as a hobby that can become a part of her life.

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