
SynonymsSampson, Shimshon, Sansone
DiminutiveSam, Sammie, Sammy

The name Samson in Hebrew means “sun”, “sunny”, “man of the sun”. The semantic analogues will be the names Kirill, Hamshid, Fabian, Sorin.

The owner of this name seems to be a rather soft, calm and reserved man. He seeks both solitude and tranquility, and seeks to cooperate or participate in major social movements. Indeed, Samson often needs society to feel a surge of energy, and he often thinks that there is strength in unity.

Samson strives to be specific, objective and rational. His critical approach and analytical mind are as developed as his intuition. He has a rich imagination, is sensitive, sometimes far-sighted. Such men are often said to be unusual. Indeed, Samson is able to transform and develop in an amazing way. Depending on the emotional environment, he can become quite malleable, overemotional.

This man will have a certain superiority over others, stand out, will have an unusual fate. He can become a famous artist, as well as a politician or an enlightened humanist. This will not be easy for him, so the nervous balance is often disturbed: if he feels unable to achieve his ideals, then he begins to run away from problems in an illusory and fictional world for himself personally.

That is why, especially in childhood, it is very important to emotionally surround the boy, actively invite him to participate in various collective activities, and encourage, where appropriate, an artistic gift.

Samson has a rich inner life and can be satisfied with spending time alone with himself, studying, meditating. He may also be interested in science fiction, music, painting or psychology. In sentimental terms, this is a gentle man, but he can hide his hypersensitivity behind a certain irony. Samson is looking for an ideal soulmate with whom he would share spiritually and sensually. Communication is not always easy for him, because Samson is very demanding, even if it seems to him that he is already making a lot of effort!

Samson often chooses the direction of a professional career depending on his own age. Indeed, the main achievements become possible only thanks to experience, and this can sometimes be achieved only in adulthood. These are artistic professions, areas directly related to people (medicine, social sphere, psychology, law). It is also an activity related to the public, foreign, tourist, political orientation or technical professions. Samson's strong intuition, combined with an analytical mindset, gives him the image of an inventor.

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