
SynonymsUsman, Guzman, Othman, Uthman, Osmon, Ousmane, Usmon

The name Osman is of Arab origin. It is often used in two-part names like Osmanbey, Usmanay, Osmanbek, Usmankhan, etc. The name is widely used among Muslims.

According to the first version, the name means “chiropractor”, “healer”, by the second - “heroism”, “courage”. Revered in Islam the third righteous caliph had this name.

According to the third version, the name Osman is translated as “snake”, “young dragon”. There is another interpretation – “bustard chick”.

The owner of the name Osman looks like a sophisticated person, striving to please and be loved. Feeling, beauty, harmony are the values that he constantly seeks, since balance is important to him. This man prefers secrecy and behaves rather restrained, avoiding demonstrativeness in relations with people.

It has a sensitivity masked by obvious coldness or an ironic smile. Osman is an active man with a hands-on approach, organizational skills and an analytical mind. He carefully understands any issue, has a perfectionist approach. Meanness is considered by him as one of the worst qualities in people.

Osman is interested in various fields, striving for a certain wisdom. But he can spend a lot of time in epicureanism and various entertainments, which distracts him from serious thoughts and important matters. This man wants to succeed, to be a leader, to command, he longs to become the one who will be admired.

In childhood, he is a kind, sympathetic, responsible and sweet boy, somewhat selfish, but all within the bounds of “childish greed”. Osman desires to take the first place in the hearts of his parents, to be the first in school. He will not hesitate to declare himself to complete the task.

In a love relationship, Osman is not without tact and gallantry. We can say that he is an aesthete, because often at first he is attracted by the beauty of a woman, but he really needs smart conversations and deep discussions. Thus, his choice in love is the most difficult and often fluctuates between beauty, intelligence, quick wit and his own expectations. He imagines his wife in an attractive and comfortable house, where she is a wonderful hostess, sophisticated and not without a twist.

Several types of professions are likely to attract him, but it is possible that Osman will succeed in the family business. He would rather turn to professions related to aesthetics, gastronomy, cooking, wines. Technical areas or specialized professions may also be interesting to him.

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