
SynonymsDovran, Davran, Dovron

The name Davron has Arabic roots, meaning “lord of the era“, “lord of his time“. This male name is popular among Uzbeks, Tajiks, where it is interpreted as “will be a happy child of this era“. Also recorded as Davran, Dovron, Dovran.

The name Davron can be part of two-part Muslim names (Davranbek, Dovrankhan, Dovronbey, etc.)

The owner of the name Davron often goes to extremes and does not accept half measures. This can lead him both to certain dizzying peaks, and to abysses of immeasurable depth. He is attracted to other people, he is always drawn to others, to the world, to the public.

This man has a strong influence on others and can leave his mark on their fate. This will be especially important if Davron shows dedication. This is an extraordinary character, not walking on the beaten track and ignoring boundaries. He often visits various places, whether geographic, intellectual or spiritual, where he seeks to surpass himself, to go beyond his capabilities, his habits. Because of this, it is often difficult to understand.

Most often, Davron can become a public person or a person who has relations with the public, foreigners (during his travels or movements). He needs to believe in what he is doing, and it is possible for him to gain fame or some other form of recognition.

As a child, Davron is a hypersensitive, emotional and capricious child. You will need to know how to understand him and love him, even if his vision of the truth is alien to you. It is possible that his rich imagination and dreams will become the seeds of a future calling. It is important not to alienate the boy, but to help him find a way to achieve his aspirations.

Great deeds, great ideas, human or spiritual values - Davron often thinks big, his ideal is limitless. His tastes push him to the inaccessible, strange, mysterious. He can get carried away by deep study of religion, psychology, politics, archeology.

In his personal life, it is difficult for this man to follow only one command of his heart. The ideal woman for him at different periods of his life is different images. Therefore, to give preference to any one is a difficult choice for him.

Davron will be interested in professions that will allow him to contact the public, devoted to advertising, travel, or related to basic human, social or philanthropic values, unless he develops his artistic or literary talent. Politics and sports are also the main areas where Davron can achieve success.

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