
SynonymsDawid, Dawud, Davide, Davud
DiminutiveDave, Davey, Davie, Davy

The name David is of Hebrew origin and translated from Hebrew means “beloved“, “favorite“. The name is spread throughout Europe. Among Muslims, King David is known and revered under the name Dāwud.

The man named David is balanced and confident in his capabilities, persistent, proud and somewhat pragmatic. He is characterized by a developed willpower and good nature, the ability to sympathize, these people know how to convince and always keep their word. David loves to travel, he is a physically strong man, which is why he strives for leadership in all areas of life.

David has a somewhat selfish character, he feels the need for praise. Envy and rancor, greed and resentment are alien to him. David does not like deceitful people, he is quick-tempered enough, but quick-witted. Throughout his life David is engaged in self-improvement, and successfully. This is a person who appreciates people with a sense of humor.

In his professional activity, David is looking for new impressions, travel and adventure, so he will make an excellent diplomat, warrior, traveler. These men can try themselves in geology, speleology, mountaineering, sports. Due to their inherent physical strength and endurance, they can become sculptors and jewelers. Monotonous and routine work does not suit them, it tires David. This person will definitely find a way in life and will be able to provide a good financial situation for his family. David will receive many career opportunities throughout his life. He can become a successful businessman.

David knows about women. David's first marriage usually ends in failure. The second marriage will bring long-awaited happiness to the owner of this name. David is an excellent host, knows how to skillfully cook. Family is the most important thing in his life. His wife should be a beautiful and attractive, intelligent and strong-willed woman who will help David in the implementation of his plans. It is the spouse who must give David confidence through praise and intimacy. David, born in summer, adores his children and has a kind, sympathetic disposition.

David loves to communicate very much, he always has many friends, because of whom this person often finds himself in unpleasant situations. This person is a little romantic, he is attracted by adventures and mysterious distances, he loves to talk about it with friends. If the conversation takes a business tint, the prudence and caution of the owner of the name David immediately appear. To maintain a good relationship with David, you should be guided by logic, and not try to reach out to his feelings. David's friends appreciate him for his good nature, balanced by developed willpower, which makes this person responsive and capable of compassion.

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