
DiminutiveDan, Dannie, Danny, Dany, Danne, Dani

The name Daniel comes from the Bible and its literal meaning is “God is my judge” or “God is judge”. There are other less literal translations, such as “judge”, “fair man”, and “God’s judgement”.

The short forms of this name appeared and later became official names, among them Dan, Den, and Danny. For over 50 years the name Daniel has remained in the top 20 most popular American male names but it has never risen higher than the 5th position in this list. In England, though, this name became the leader among the male names in 1995, but it gradually loses its position and now it’s in the top 30 list of most popular names.

A man with the name Daniel is charming. People like him because he’s very sociable, cheerful, and always friendly. This man is emotional and sensitive, very tactful and tolerant with other people. He is an idealist to some extent and sometimes even a reformist, and surely, he enjoys when everyone around him is happy. His emotional life is highly important to him, and if Daniel feels disappointed, misunderstood, or unloved, he loses a great deal of his energy and maybe even his capabilities.

This man is rather curious and gets involved in everything he is interested in. That’s why intellectual and all-round development are typical for Daniel. He obtains knowledge in the areas that attract him and he has to do it himself.

Daniel often shows much abilities for vocalism. He may have a very beautiful voice with a wide range. This man knows how to play on words so he has a talent for relieving the tension of any situation without forceful intervention.

Despite being a flexible, adaptable, bright, and cunning man, he is a lovely person for most of the people around him. In childhood, such kids are admired because they know how to do what they want. Highly sensitive to his environment, Daniel can immediately feel any bad moods in the family and starts worrying about his inner harmony being disturbed like that. He tries to escape such things, preferring sport, art, and literary activities. On the other hand, positive home environment is all he really needs to participate in family life and perform his duties. You shouldn’t forget that Daniel’s easy to impress and has a changeable mood, so it’s a good idea to carefully control his actions and preferences without letting him float freely.

As for his love life, Daniel shows himself as a gentle and loving man for whom it’s important to have his own family. In fact, Daniel is rather self-sacrificing and fully loyal to his close ones. However, a man with this name is also an obsessed perfectionist, extremely demanding of his chosen one, and he’s no stranger to romantic concerns because a perfect woman is not easy to find! Daniel enjoys flirting, and he loves unexpected coincidences and meetings. He values beauty, art, comfort, and travelling – these are the elements of life required for his happiness.

Family is a very significant part of Daniel’s life, so it can seriously influence his career choice. He can also be tempted to pursue a career in marketing or a field related to speaking (journalism, radio broadcasting, travelling, hotel and restaurant business). Sport is one of the areas that Daniel can excel at.

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